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Nanowires allow 'power dressing'

"Scientists in the US have developed novel brush-like fibres that generate electrical energy from movement."

Category: Energy sources


Ministers consider UK astronauts

"The government is to launch a formal review into whether British astronauts should take part in the international exploration of space."

Category: Space


Climate change in pictures

"Australia's atmospheric research unit has found the world is warming faster than predicted"

Category: Climate Change


Database tracking students causes privacy concerns

"The government has devised an electronic database to track every teenager from the age of 14, recording their personal details, every exam result and exclusions."

Category: Communications


How former miners transformed a pit into an energy village

"Britain's royal organisation dealing with high quality planning has given its annual award to the regeneration of 150 acres of former coalmine and slagheap, once regarded as a national totem of despair."

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 2396 to 2400 out of 2977